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School governors form the largest volunteer group in the country. They are people from all walks of life, who care about children’s education and are prepared to work as a team to support their school and local community.

More than 9,000 people volunteer to be governors in Lancashire, bringing to their role experience of everyday life and a wish to help children and schools. They support schools in raising standards, by determining the conduct and direction of the school.

Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to their school, willing to ask questions and act as a critical friend. They also need to be able to work as an enthusiastic member of the governing body team. The headteacher works closely with the governing body as its principal professional advisor. Governing body policy decisions will then be implemented by the headteacher in the day-to-day running of the school.

They will be supported by other governors on the governing body as well as by Lancashire County Council, through the Governor Services Team. In Lancashire we have always valued the contribution of governors and we have sought to support governing bodies by providing a wide range of services including clerking, training and information. Seminars on a variety of topics are provided throughout Lancashire. Governors also receive a termly copy of “The Lancashire Governor” to keep them up-to-date on current issues.

Existing Lancashire governors also have access to the Schools’ Portal where they can view school specific information related to their governance duties and responsibilities.

There are different categories of governor, and the procedures for appointment or election depend on the category and the date when the governing body was constituted.

  • Parent Governors
  • Staff Governors
  • Authority Governors
  • Community Governors
  • Co-opted Governors
  • Sponsor Governors
  • Foundation Governors
  • Partnership Governors

Some people cannot become governors. The general restrictions are listed in the document Disqualification from Holding a Governorship. All terms of office are for four years unless a reason is given for shortening the length of office.

As well as the termly Full Governing Body meeting where all governors attend, we also have sub-committees including the Curriculum and Standards Committee and the Resources and Finance Committee.

To find out more about becoming a Governor of a school, please click here.

Become a Governor letter

Instrument of Governance

The school operates with a Full Governing Body meeting at least once each term plus delegated committee responsibilities as detailed in the Terms of Reference below, for two committees which meet termly.

Curriculum & Standards Terms of Reference (CAS)

Resources & Finance Terms of Reference (RAF)

But who are our Governors?

 Governors have consented to their images and names being used as per GDPR regulations. All governors are appointed by the Full Governing Body.

All staff have been checked and verified by the Disclosure Barring Service and have been appointed following interview and satisfactory references. All governors, volunteers and visitors to the school are asked to provide their DBS certificate for verification before entering the school premises.

Geoff Copsey, Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Appointed: Spring 2021. Term of office ends: Spring 2025

Member of: RAF Committee

 Register of Interests declared: None declared

Personal Statement:

I was asked to join the Governing body due to my knowledge and experience gained working at the power station. I live locally and as a Father of 3 older children and also a Foster carer I am keen to help Trumacar CP school develop by into a leading education provider. I have a passion for science and technology so look forward to working with the school as a link governor in these subjects.

 Bob Bailey

Local Authority Governor

Appointed: Spring 2024. Term of office ends: Spring 2028

Member of: Resource and Finance Committee

Register of Interests declared: None declared

Personal Statement:

I am pleased to have joined the Governing Body in 2024, after a few years hiatus, from being a Governor for 25 years at a different local school - mostly as Chair of the Finance & Building Committee and Vice-Chair of Governors.

 I am a qualified public sector accountant and auditor with 47 years experience working in local government, currently working as Town Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer for Carnforth Town Council.

 Ever since my two girls were young (they are now 42 and 37 with four children of their own!) I have had a passion for education and a commitment to support children, staff, Governors and everyone in the school family to achieve their goals and realise the many benefits that the school community provides. 

Ceri Hamer, Head of School

Ex-officio governor:

Member of: CAS Committee


Register of Interests declared: C&C Entertainment – Director

Personal Statement:

As Deputy I have been working closely with our Governing Body for many years. Prior to joining Trumacar I was also the staff Governor for two other schools. I have always enjoyed this aspect of my work as it gives us the opportunity to look at the whole school community. I have a passion for Community links and understand the value it can bring to develop the education of our pupils further. Now as Head of School I have an even more active role within the Governing Body. I also lead our Parent Partnership which allows me to also share the views of parent body with our Governors. Our Governing Body members are fully active in school life and are very well informed when making decisions about our school.  The support they offer is invaluable to the school.

Jeni Meadows

Co-opted Governor

Appointed: Summer 2024. Term of office ends: Summer 2028

Member of: 

Register of Interests declared: None declared

Personal Statement:

I was delighted to be welcomed as a Governor at Trumacar in Summer 2024. While this marks the beginning of my governing experience, I've been an active member of our local community for several years and thrown myself into running projects at a range of familiar places, from the Grand Theatre to Lancaster University. 

I've worked at Citizens Advice North Lancashire since April 2023. My job there is to work alongside primary schools in the area to support their families with whatever is making life difficult. I've learned a lot about the challenges facing children and their families today, and how different pieces of our local community can support with those challenges. I'm excited to bring this experience to Trumacar and build on the sense of family that is already very strong within the school.

I enjoy all things creative, and was particularly drawn to Trumacar by the way the school encourages all its pupils to learn creatively and pursue their interests in the arts. I'm looking forward to getting to know the school better, and doing what I can to help our children reach their full potential. 

Thomas Meaney

Parent Governor

Appointed: Summer 2024. Term of office ends: Summer 2028

Member of: 

Register of Interests declared: None declared

Personal Statement:


Paul Slater, Executive Headteacher

Ex-officio governor: Attends all meetings of the Governing Body


Register of Interests declared: CEO,  The Fells Multi Academy Trust

Personal Statement:

I’ve been a teacher for over 30 years and have worked all over the country ranging from small rural schools to big inner city schools. I’ve been a Headteacher now for over 20 years and was the Headteacher at Clifton Primary School in St Annes before coming to Trumacar.  I am now also the CEO for The Fells MAT which comprises of three schools – George Hastwell Special School, The Queen Katherine School and Walney School – in Cumbria. Outside of school I have a passion for fellwalking with my family and my springer spaniel as well as travelling and going to the cinema and theatre whenever possible. I feel privileged to be the Headteacher at Trumacar and with my fellow governors want to ensure that all children get the highest quality education we can provide – to inspire them to achieve their dreams.

Helen Summerfield

Co-opted Governor

Appointed: Summer 2005. Term of office ends: Summer 2022

Member of: CAS Committee, RAF Committee


Register of Interests declared: Nothing declared

Personal Statement:

I have had the privilege of being a Governor of Trumacar School for more years than I care to admit to. I have three children and one grandchild.  I was first elected as a parent governor when my second child started school. Over the years I have helped and supported the school in just about all areas. For many years I was voluntary help in classrooms and an active member of the PTFA. Before I took early retirement I worked for the NHS as a Paediatric Therapy Helper working mostly on one to one bases in different schools with children who needed a little more help than others. My experiences over the years has made me realise how essential it is for children to be safe and happy in school for them to achieve their goals and become independent. I am now a Community Governor and from 2010 I have held the post of Chair to the Governing Body.  My greatest wish is for Trumacar to be recognised as the Outstanding School it is.

Vicki van Mechelen

Staff Governor

Appointed: Autumn 2020. Term of office ends: Autumn 2024

Member of: CAS Committee


Register of Interests declared: None declared

Personal Statement:

I have been a class teacher at Trumacar Primary school since 2016. I am passionate about teaching and learning, especially Geography and appreciating our Planet. I strive to deliver a creative and engaging curriculum, which meets the needs of all children. My previous career was with local community arts organisation, More Music involving myself in the Carnival Arts World and community music.

My partner Rob and I have two children and when we get the opportunity we love to be in the outdoors, either camping, walking and/or open water swimming.

Carol Williamson

Co-opted Governor

Appointed: Autumn 2015. Term of office ends: Autumn 2023

Member of: Chair of CAS Committee


Register of Interests declared: Nothing declared

Personal Statement:

When I entered Trumacar School for the first time in 2011, to do some part time teaching, I immediately felt welcome. Before I retired several years earlier, I had been a local primary school headteacher. Working at Trumacar, enabled me to gain valuable insight into current developments in education. Government policies have changed and increased so much over recent years and demands on schools are immense. However it is heartening to see that children never change and those at Trumacar especially, retain that same enthusiasm to learn. I am happy to be able to support a school with such a dedicated head and staff who have enabled it to develop into such a successful establishment.

Governor Development Plan

Governors are currently working on the following areas of development as well as ensuring that the School’s overall School Development Plan is effectively put in place and has impact for pupils and their learning of knowledge and skills.

  • To strengthen the Governing body by ensuring new Governors attend the necessary training to bring them in line with experienced Governors
  • Governor links need to be reviewed post closures and Subject leader links to be strengthened or established with new governors
  • To audit its members strengths and skills following changes within the Governing Body
  • Governors to strengthen their links with Parent Voice directly
  • To keep all governors informed on a regular basis through nominated governor reports and committee meetings