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Welcome to our page all about Personal, Social and Health Education and incorporates Drug Education and Relationships Education.

Subject Leader: Charlotte Hale

All policies are available on the Policies page.

Our Vision (Intent):

By the end of their time in school I want the children to have understood and exhibited the Values which are important to our community (Unity, Quality, Thoughtfulness, Hope, Courage, Freedom, Co-operation, Trust, Friendship, Happiness, Appreciation, Caring, Tolerance, Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Patience, Simplicity, Understanding, Humility, Peace, Love, Resilience and Equality.  
By the end of primary School children Should have been taught about: Caring Friendships, Families and People who care for them, Respectful Relationships, Online Relationships, Mental wellbeing, Physical Health, Healthy Eating, Basic First Aid,  and the Changing Adolescent body
By the end of Year 2 pupils will have been taught: about the variety and importance of families how to stay safe how to make friends the value of sharing.
By the end of Year 4 pupils will have been taught: what makes a positive relationship and will understand the importance of health and hygiene How adolescence impacts on changes in the body How to show respect to themselves and others How to identify and prevent bullying.
By the end of Year 6 pupils will have an awareness of and had the experience of: the importance of safe and healthy relationships and lifestyles. They will be equipped to monitor their mental health.They will have learnt basic First AidHow their Body changes during AdolescenceHow to stay safe online (including online bullying and the impact of social media)How to monitor and care for mental health.

Behind the Vision:

My vision for the subject is that it allows our pupils to live happy, safe, and healthy lives both during their time at Trumacar and after they have left our school. This vision will enable our pupils to cope and adapt to the changing nature of society and community around them with increased financial awareness, health awareness and the knowledge of how to maintain safe and positive relationship experiences in their lives.

In order to achieve the vision:

  1. Clear and progressive teaching through KS1 and KS2 following the thematic scheme which has been put in place (based around the PSHE Association).
  2. The teaching of Relationship Education and PSHE will directly impact of the pupils’ understanding and knowledge of the subject.
  3. Relationship education will have a positive impact on the pupils’ relationships in and out of school and increase their mental health, resilience, and well-being.

Planning and progression of our curriculum:

Year 1-2

Year A
Year B

Year 3-4

Year A
Year B

Year 5-6

Year A
Year B